January 2025 – Change to Street Sweeping Schedules
Beginning in January 2025, Lewisburg Borough will be reducing the frequency of our scheduled street sweepings. In an effort to reduce the amount of diesel fuel consumed, to save wear and tear on the street sweeper equipment, and to allow for the use of Borough staff on other maintenance related tasks, Lewisburg Borough intends to switch to a schedule where most streets are swept every other week (instead of the current weekly sweepings). The new schedule will not apply to Market Street which will continue to be swept every Monday morning (weather permitting). In addition, the Borough will continue to conduct weekly sweepings on the scheduled “No Parking” days if the street is particularly dirty with trash or other materials, if the trees are dropping flowers/seeds/pods, and when leaves are dropping from the trees. Also, fall leave collection and winter snow removal from the parking lanes will continue to follow the weekly “No Parking” schedule (as needed).
Please note that the weekly “No Parking” restrictions remain in place as posted on our streets. The Lewisburg Borough crew and other public utilities may undertake other street and utility maintenance activities on the posted “No Parking” days.