Recycling Center Closed Wednesday, February 7th

Due to the inclement weather forecast for Wednesday, February 7th, a decision was made to close the Borough’s Recycling Center at Wolfe Field.


Borough and East Buffalo Township Meeting Scheduled to Discuss BVRA IGA

Lewisburg Borough Council’s Community Development/Planning Committee will hold a special meeting with the East Buffalo Township Supervisors to discuss issues regarding the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for the Buffalo Valley Recreation Authority (BVRA). This meeting has been scheduled for 5:30 PM on Tuesday, January 30, 2018 in the Training/Classroom, First Floor of the Fire Department Support Center, located at 239 North Fifth Street in Lewisburg Borough. Members of the public are welcome to attend.

Meeting Location Changes Due to Building Renovation Work

The following meetings held March 6th through March 19th have been relocated to 239 North Fifth Street, specifically in the training/classroom located on the First Floor of the Fire Department Support Center:

March 6th Public Works/Police Committee 8 AM
March 7th Planning Commission 6 PM
March 8th Shade Tree Commission 7 PM
March 12th Administrative/Finance Committee 4 PM
March 13th Historic Architectural Review Board 5 PM
March 13th Council Work Session 6:30 PM
March 15th Community Development/Planning Committee 5 PM

Feel free to contact the Borough Office if you have any questions.

Snow/Ice Removal from Sidewalks

Reminder:  It is the property owners responsibility to keep sidewalks clear of snow and ice.  You have 12 hours after the snow has ceased to fall, or the ice has ceased to form, to perform removal.

Snow Removal on Market Street

The Borough Public Works Crew will be hauling snow from Market Street and metered parking spaces on side streets overnight tonight (very early in the morning on Friday, January 19th). Market Street is no parking from midnight to 7 AM everyday. Metered spots on side streets will be covered with no parking bags later this afternoon. The Police will begin ticketing and towing vehicles on Market Street and in the metered parking spaces on the side streets shortly after midnight.

Proposed Revised 2018 Budget

The proposed “revised” 2018 budget is currently available for public inspection at the Borough Office. This proposed budget, as revised November 21st, will be considered for adoption by Council at their regular monthly meeting held Tuesday, December 19th at 7 PM.

2018 Proposed Revised Budget Presented to BC 11-21-17