Lewisburg Borough 2020 Streets, Alleys, and Sidewalks Improvement Project

Lewisburg Borough Council recently selected streets and alleys to be included in our 2020 Street Improvement Project. It is anticipated that the following streets/alleys will be repaired and repaved beginning in the spring of 2020:

• St. Paul Street west of Fairground Road (including Breeze Drive)
• Brown Street from Malcolm Street to the Railroad Crossing
• Sections of St. Louis Street near South Eighth Street and US Route 15
• North 12th Street just south of Buffalo Road/Route 192
• Walker Street/Loomis Street from University Avenue to South Seventh Street
• Wagner Alley from Bell Alley to St. Louis Street
• Bell Alley from South Seventh Street to South Sixth Street
• Cherry Alley from US Route 15 to just west of North Seventh Street (including a portion of Currant Alley)
• Hazel Tree Alley just north of St. John Street
• Chestnut Tree Alley from St. John Street to Cherry Alley
• Blackberry Alley from St. George Street to St. Catharine Street
• Pear Tree Alley from St. Louis Street to St. Catharine Street

In addition, it is anticipated that the project will include repairs to Borough owned sidewalks on Market Street, North Third Street, North Seventh Street, South Seventh Street, and in the municipal parking lot between South Fourth Street and South Third Street.

Market Street Corridor Traffic Study

The Final Public Presentation on the Market Street Corridor Traffic Study has been postponed.  It will not be held at the Fire Hall on July 9th.  The Borough and the Engineering Consultant Team continue to work through the important data collection and analysis for this project.  This is a significant project for Lewisburg and we look forward to sharing the results with you when they are ready.  We will be in touch with a new date as soon as it is confirmed.  Please stay tuned.

Borough Offices Closed Thursday, July 4th

The Borough Office, Streets Department and Refuse Department will be closed on Thursday, July 4th.

Have a wonderful Holiday!


Full-Time Accounting Clerk I Position Available

The Borough is currently accepting applications for a full time Accounting Clerk I to handle Payroll and Accounts Payable.  Below you will find the advertisement and job description for this position.  Also below is an application for your use.

Accounting Clerk I Advertisement

Accounting Clerk I Job Description

Application for Employment

Lewisburg Borough Sidewalk Restoration Project

The Borough of Lewisburg will receive sealed bids for the “Lewisburg Borough Sidewalk Restoration Project” at the Lewisburg Borough Building, 55 South 5th Street, Lewisburg, PA  17837 until 2:00 PM prevailing time on Thursday, June 27th, 2019.

Click the link below for the Bid Advertisement.

Lewisburg Sidewalk Project – Advertisement for Bids

Lewisburg Borough Gravel Resurfacing Project

The Borough of Lewisburg will receive sealed bids for the “Lewisburg Borough Gravel Resurfacing Project” at the Lewisburg Borough Building, 55 South 5th Street, Lewisburg, PA  17837 until 3:00 PM prevailing time on Thursday, June 27th, 2019.

Click the link below for the Bid Advertisement.

Lewisburg Gravel Project – Advertisement for Bids