Lewisburg to renew certificate for flood insurance discounts

Lewisburg Borough is preparing to renew a certification through the Community Rating System (CRS) that gives its residents a flood insurance discount.

The Borough is currently a Class 8 community through the CRS which provides a 10% premium discount for all properties in the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA), and a 5% discount for all other properties. If your area is not mapped as an SFHA, you may qualify for a lower-cost Preferred Risk Policy.

SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) is assisting Lewisburg with its CRS recertification process.

“The Borough of Lewisburg annually attempts to remind its residents that flooding can be a problem through mailings and various media outlets. It is our hope that in providing good information to the residents, they will be equipped to make informed decisions regarding flood insurance and mitigation actions,” said Geralee Zeigler, SEDA-COG Flood Resiliency program analyst.

Flood information is available in the Lewisburg Borough Office and the Public Library for Union County. Library hours are 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturdays (closed Sundays.) Vulnerable population hours are 10 to 11 a.m. Wednesdays and Saturdays.

For more information, contact Borough Manager William Lowthert at 570-523-3614.

SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency Program offers services related to flood resiliency and mitigation assistance both within and outside of its 11-county region. Its goal is to help break the damage cycle and stop its drain on people and communities. For more information, visit https://seda-cog.org/departments/flood-resiliency/.

Lewisburg Homeowners: How will you prepare for the next flood?

The time is now to prepare your flood-prone property by reducing risk and damages before the next flood. Investments in flood mitigation could lead to reduced flood insurance costs, as well.

 Lewisburg homeowners who live in the 100-year floodplain (Zone AE) are encouraged to secure an elevation certificate either through the SEDA-Council of Governments (SEDA-COG) Flood Resiliency Program or a local engineering firm to help homeowners understand their risk.

 SEDA-COG has negotiated a group rate through Orangeville Surveying Consulting Inc. to complete elevation certificates that meet the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) standards. Interested homeowners can contact Geralee Zeigler at gzeigler@seda-cog.org or 570-524-4491 ext. 7218.

 An Elevation Certificate is a valuable document. It records important features of the property, including its unique location within the floodplain and elevation of a building’s lowest floor. This certificate is used by insurance agents to determine flood insurance premiums and it is used by the Borough’s Codes Office to ensure that all new construction is located above the base flood elevation, thereby decreasing the amount of flood damage in the future. Elevation Certificates provide property owners the information necessary to help determine flood risk factors as well as options for insuring and mitigating the risk.

 “Homeowners have many options for flood mitigation such as installing flood vents, raising their utilities above base flood elevation, elevating the home, and a variety of wet and dry floodproofing tactics. These mitigation measures help reduce the risk and damage of flooding if done in compliance with the floodplain ordinance standards, and the information provided on an elevation certificate will help determine which measures are most appropriate for each unique situation,” said Kim Wheeler, Lewisburg Borough’s Special Project’s Coordinator.

 SEDA-COG’s Flood Resiliency Program offers services related to flood resiliency and mitigation assistance both within and outside of its 11-county region. Its goal is to help break the damage cycle and stop its drain on people and communities. For more information, visit https://seda-cog.org/departments/flood-resiliency/.

Ward IV Council Member Vacancy

The Borough of Lewisburg has a vacancy for a Ward IV Council Member. Council serves as the legislative body of the Borough, setting policy, enacting ordinances, and resolutions, adopting budgets, and levying taxes. Council also performs executive functions such as formulating the budget, enforcing ordinances, and approving expenditures. In general, a Council member is a community leader and represents the Borough’s interests, past, present, and future. The extent of these activities will be defined by Pennsylvania Borough Code and the individual’s own view of civic responsibilities, particular fields of individual interest, and personal skills and talents. This Council member would also be required to serve on various other committees/boards/commissions as needed. Interested residents of Ward IV should submit a letter/email of interest to the Borough Office no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, July 20, 2020. Email address: office@lewisburgborough.org. A brief summary of the candidate’s interest should be included. A resume is helpful, but not required. Interested candidates should plan to attend the Borough Council Meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, July 21, 2020 at 6:30 pm.
Any questions can be directed to William Lowthert, Lewisburg Borough Manager at 570-523-3614 between 8:00 AM and 4:30 PM or wlowthert@lewisburgborough.org.


Mayor Wagner presented an LGBTQ+ Pride Month Proclamation provided by Council President Medina at the June 16, 2020 meeting.


David Rowe’s newsletter announced a new fund for grant assistance with rent/mortgage for people who have lost income due to COVID.  Details here:  https://www.phfa.org/forms/press_releases/2020/phfa-caresfundingavailable-final-06172020.pdf.


Community Development Block Grant First Public Hearing Notice scheduled for June 16, 2020 at 6:30 pm.  See Lewisburg Borough FFY 2020 Community Development Block Grant First Public Hearing Notice.