For more information please visit our online codes.
Recycling Center
Hours of Operation:
Wednesdays: 8 AM – 4 PM
Saturdays: 8 AM – Noon
Located at Wolfe Field – 398 Hufnagle Boulevard
Recycling containers are now available at the Borough Office or the Recycling Center. Feel free to pick up at either location.
Curbside recycling occurs the first Saturday of each month. This is for aluminum, glass and newsprint only.
Recycling Household Hazardous Waste, Electronics, Used Tires, and White Goods
For information about the collection of Electronics, please click here: Goodwill Electronic Recycling_ Fact Sheet 2025
For more information about the collection of household hazardous waste, used tires, and white goods, please contact the Union County Recycling Coordinator at (570) 524-3848 or email at
For information about fees, read Refuse Resolution No. 13-08.
For special pickups, please complete the appropriate form below:
Refuse Pick Up Schedule
The area north of Market Street from the Reading rail line east to the Susquehanna River.
The area south of Market Street from the Reading rail line east to the Susquehanna River.
Commercial, dumpster placement/removal day and large appliance pickups.
The area between the Reading rail line and Route 15 from the southern to the northern Borough boundary
The area west of Route 15.
** All other Special pickups are done on the regular trash collection day along with temporary dumpster empty.**
HOLIDAYS (no pickup)
- New Year’s Day
- Good Friday
- Memorial Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving Day
- Monday Following Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day